[3] Basu, Chitralekha and Lennart Schürmann. 2025. 'Media Effects on Political Elites', in the Edward Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Communication, eds. Alessandro Nai, Max Grömping and Dominique Wirz. [pre-print]
[2] 'How the Media Matters for the Economic Vote: Evidence from Britain.' 2024. Electoral Studies 87: 102735. [open-access article]
[1] 'Bridging Spatial and Saliency Theory: Party Size and Issue Selection in Campaigns.' 2020. Political Science Research and Methods8(3): 444-458. [link] [pre-print][replication files]
[8] 'Democratizing from Within: British Elites and the Expansion of the Franchise', with Carles Boix, Sonia Giurumescu and Paulo Serodio. [paper] R&R at World Politics
Awarded the 2019 James B. Christoph prize for best conference paper presented by a junior faculty member in the British Politics Group section of the American Political Science Association.
[7] 'The Revelation Incentive for Issue Engagement in Campaigns', with Matthew Knowles. [paper] R&R at the Journal of Theoretical Politics
[6] 'Communicative Power and the Pursuit of Political Equality.' [paper]
[5] 'Deconstructing Valence: Variation in the Importance of Non-Policy Attributes to Voters.'
[4] 'Work, Turn to the Left? Female Employment and the Political Gender Gap.'
[3] 'The Relative Opinion Presence of Social Groups in Democracies', with Helena Heberer.
[2] 'How Voters Prioritize Identities for Descriptive Representation', with Lea Kaftan and Jens Wäckerle.
[1] 'The Communicative Presence of Women', with Helena Heberer.